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Researchers are creative. They ask themselves the question, I wonder what would happen if?

Take a look at the resources on creativity.

Books and Films

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks Rebecca Skloot 2010 (also a film) The unknowing donation of Henrietta Lacks’ cells began what was the first, and, for many years, the only human cell line able to reproduce indefinitely. Her cells, known as HeLa cells for Henrietta Lacks, remain a remarkably durable and prolific line of cells used in research around the world.  

Never Let Me Go Kazuo Ishiguro 2005 (book and film) A futuristic story of Kathy whose job it is to look after the ‘donors’ all of whom are clones who have been created as living organ banks.

The Midwich Cuckoos John Wyndam 1957 (book, TV series and film) I’ve included this science fiction book in this section because the story is a great catalyst for exploring genetic manipulation. Every woman in a small town becomes pregnant at the same time the children all carry maternal DNA which has been modified by aliens.

Decoding Annie Parker 2013 Film The film tells the story of Annie Parjer, her breast cancer and the discovery of the BRAC1 breast cancer gene.

Lozenzo’s Oil 1993 Film. The True story of a parents’ quest to find a cure for their son’s rare illness.

Online exhibitions

Genome Gallery The aim of this gallery is to explore genomics research and encourage visitors to consider the social and personal impact of learning about our genetic code, finding new ways for people to engage with research, in ways that could be self-directed and reflective. 

What does the craft of origami got to do with protein research?

Proteins have been the focus of many research programs yet their folding mechanism, structural properties, and function are still not fully understood. Origami, the art of folding a two-dimensional (2D) paper into a three-dimensional (3D) model, dates back to the Edo period (1603–1867) as a traditional Japanese craft for religious ceremonies and games. In recent years, origami folding principles and models have been implemented in biological research. 

Read more here

Folding processes of proteins (top) and origami (bottom).

Created January 2023